The Petition I started to raise awareness of Wishy's plight outside Zoo walls AND to call further attention to it within Zoo walls, has reached its goal of 1000 signatures! Thank you to all who signed and believe in this crusade!
I believe it is an absolute NEED to provide these captive animals with the most natural environment as possible. The Zoo Management, Donors and Docents (see next post), should be ashamed that they do not see this necessary. Truly amazing insensitivity, disregard and disrespect.
I know there are many people, I see and hear them everyday, who think this and other animal related issues are not a problem, BUT this way of thinking should NOT be present in those who work and volunteer with animals.
Thankfully there are some who get it.
Here are some of the comments left on the Petition:
# 1
11:07, Jun 04, Miss Kim, CA
There is no concrete in nature. No animal should live exclusively on concrete.
# 2
11:11, Jun 04, Ms. Lee Anderson, CA
Please SF Zoo, do this for this incredible bear without delay !!!
# 3
12:37, Jun 04, Paula Rein, WI
S.F.ZOO I THINK that a grassy area for this bear is warrented, as well as any other animal that would be in grass if not placed in a public domain. Please reconsider this matter and respond to those who care. Thanking you in advance for being humane!
# 5
13:09, Jun 04, Ann Forwood, CA
WISHBONE would love an area of grass. Is this to much to ask for?
16:05, Jun 04, Name not displayed, Ukraine
Think of Andean Bears!
17:51, Jun 04, Ms. Freya Harris, GA
No animal should live solely on such a hard surface!
18:11, Jun 04, Ms. Amanda McManus, GA
This is criminal! I'm so sorry Wishbone. : ( I'm sick of zoos imprisoning animals and not providing an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat. Shame on you San Franciso Zoo!!!
# 89
19:51, Jun 04, Ms. Clarice Grimmett, MI
Legalized animal cruelty must stop.
20:51, Jun 04, Ms. Dianne McGonigle, ON
You deserve better Wishbone
# 122
22:42, Jun 04, Ms. Melania Padilla, Nicaragua
Animals deserve better!
23:43, Jun 04, Ms. Ellen Mccabe, WA
Thank you. Concrete is totaly unacceptable
02:01, Jun 05, Ms. Alison Fennell, United Kingdom
Hello SFZ Management - Please can you improve the surroundings for these sentient beings - they depend on you :) Than kyou - Alison
# 187
03:15, Jun 05, Mrs. Anita Ketel, Netherlands
First of all I HATE zoos, but if people want to gawk at distressed, neurotic animals, let them stay in an environment that is as natural possible, with grass, shrubs, trees etc.
07:34, Jun 05, Name not displayed, CA
Grass would be quite nice for Wishbone!
# 280
08:22, Jun 05, Victoria Molinari, WA
the greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the ways it's animals are treated. - gandhi
08:40, Jun 05, Ms. Deborah Litster, ON
this is just common sense why is it allowed where are laws to protect animals
# 310
09:24, Jun 05, Ms. annie statton, United Kingdom
Come on people,if this bear is being well cared for in every other way ,then surely you can provide som grass/natural surroundings for him , how would you like a bed without covers ?.
09:46, Jun 05, Ms. Carol C., MI
Surely the SF Zoo has people on their staff who are experts on these bears. Please do what's best for them, now. Thank you.
# 330
09:59, Jun 05, Ms. Dianne Douglas, AZ
Every life has a purpose. All animals are individuals and they have feelings and thoughts and they suffer the pain and the joy that we do. They are entitled and they deserve an opportunity to live. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
# 390
14:03, Jun 05, Dr. Dianne Hillier, United Kingdom
Compassion is the source of happiness in life….Without loving kindness and compassion, there is no peace or happiness in the family, the society, the country, or the worl
d. 'With the Medicine Buddha mantra you can liberate numberless sentient beings from oceans of suffering and bring them to enlightenment.' - Lama Zopa. Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha BeKanze Radza Samudgate Soha - Lama Zopa Rinpoche
14:17, Jun 05, Ms. Debbie Johnson, CA
Give this beautiful creature a bit of dignity.Either provide him with an environment he can thrive in or transfer him to a sanctuary that can provide this for him.Thank you.
14:29, Jun 05, Ms. Patricia Welch, PA
If you're going to keep these animals in captivity, please do it with compassion. Please give them as natural setting as possible. Thank you.
# 417
18:05, Jun 05, Dawn Hollen, NJ
Please provide much better accomodations for ALL the animals at your zoo...please give Wishbone some grass.Thanks.
Please provide much better accomodations for ALL the animals at your zoo...please give Wishbone some grass.Thanks.
# 419
18:29, Jun 05, Ms. Darlene McPeek, TX
This makes me feel terrible. Every animal and person deserves to have access to a green surrounding, especially Wishhbone the bear. He is a captive animal, but deserves the best chance for a happy and full life. Having green grass under his feet will assist greatly in this.
This makes me feel terrible. Every animal and person deserves to have access to a green surrounding, especially Wishhbone the bear. He is a captive animal, but deserves the best chance for a happy and full life. Having green grass under his feet will assist greatly in this.
# 429
20:32, Jun 05, Ms. kathryn woolfe, Australia
Please give Wishbone some grass.
Please give Wishbone some grass.
# 555
10:16, Jun 08, Ms. teresa royer, NY
What's. Going on here??? Is this the United State or some cave people. You should know better than to have those creatures on cement. what kind of ignorant stupid careless thinking is that shame on you for having animals in inapropiate areas the least u can do is give them a area with grass . Please do the right thing and correct the situation people will be aware of this... this is a form of crueltynobody wants to go to a zoo where animals are not treated right we will let people know!!!!
What's. Going on here??? Is this the United State or some cave people. You should know better than to have those creatures on cement. what kind of ignorant stupid careless thinking is that shame on you for having animals in inapropiate areas the least u can do is give them a area with grass . Please do the right thing and correct the situation people will be aware of this... this is a form of crueltynobody wants to go to a zoo where animals are not treated right we will let people know!!!!
# 583
01:09, Jun 10, Mrs. Wendy Archer, Australia
Please, be kind to Wishbone; give him comfort.
Please, be kind to Wishbone; give him comfort.
# 594
08:27, Jun 10, Ms. Darlene Swingle, WI
This is unacceptable not to have grass.And I don't believe it should be that hard to fix.So please fix for sake of the bears . Thankyou.
This is unacceptable not to have grass.And I don't believe it should be that hard to fix.So please fix for sake of the bears . Thankyou.
# 599
09:22, Jun 10, Mrs. Maggie Catterall, United Kingdom
Wishbone has given pleasure to humans throughout his life - please make sure that he has some minimum standard of comfort now in his mature years. That's not a lot to ask for this bloved creature
Wishbone has given pleasure to humans throughout his life - please make sure that he has some minimum standard of comfort now in his mature years. That's not a lot to ask for this bloved creature
# 605
11:40, Jun 10, Laura Robinson, United Kingdom
This is unbelievably cruel! Shame on you!
This is unbelievably cruel! Shame on you!
# 614
00:09, Jun 11, Ms. Rebecca Hamilton, AZ
How dreadful! The San Francisco Zoo should rectify this situation immediately. The humane treatment of the animals in their care should be paramount!!
How dreadful! The San Francisco Zoo should rectify this situation immediately. The humane treatment of the animals in their care should be paramount!!
# 663
10:41, Jun 13, Cindy Partipilo, ON
Grass is considered part of the Andean Bear's natural habitat. Animals kept on concrete are prone to developing joint ailments at an early age.
Grass is considered part of the Andean Bear's natural habitat. Animals kept on concrete are prone to developing joint ailments at an early age.
# 666
11:23, Jun 13, Ginny Church, OH
Haven't there been enough problems at the S.F. Zoo?? All of the bears, if not most of the animals, have access to a grassy outdoors area.
Haven't there been enough problems at the S.F. Zoo?? All of the bears, if not most of the animals, have access to a grassy outdoors area.
# 674
18:37, Jun 13, Dr. Linda Scott, NM
Come on! How hard can this be?!
Come on! How hard can this be?!
# 675
23:08, Jun 13, Ms. Debbie Sanders, MD
If you can't take care of these Bears, then let someone who will - have them. SHAME ON YOU!
If you can't take care of these Bears, then let someone who will - have them. SHAME ON YOU!
# 680
06:26, Jun 14, Mr. Don Jay, MN
Animals need grass and a comfortable lifestyle...
Animals need grass and a comfortable lifestyle...
# 681
06:32, Jun 14, Ms. Linda Spyhalski, MN
Please address this need ASAP!
Please address this need ASAP!
# 695
04:18, Jun 15, Ms. Sue Vogt, Australia
If you must keep a wild animal in captivity (why i dont know) then you should reproduce their original surroundings, grass, trees, rocks and freedom.
If you must keep a wild animal in captivity (why i dont know) then you should reproduce their original surroundings, grass, trees, rocks and freedom.
# 698
12:59, Jun 15, Ms. Donna Mosera, TX
Wake up guys! Give poor Wishbone some grass!
Wake up guys! Give poor Wishbone some grass!
01:50, Jun 22, Ms. karrie carlyon, QC
Not only is it disgusting that you are keeping this animal from it's natural habitat, but you are forcing it to live in such pathetic conditions. This is atrocious and will be fixed now!
# 749
07:17, Jun 22, Ms. jodi marr, FL
this is inhumane.. THis animal needs some green! It's the least we could do
this is inhumane.. THis animal needs some green! It's the least we could do
# 753
20:28, Jun 22, Name not displayed, CA
I never realized the SF Zoo was being this cruel to an animal who would live in a green wilderness. It wouldn't cost that much to put in a grass area. So sad, I'm going to put the word out on what your doing. I don't think you need any more incidents and bad publicity talk about your zoo.
I never realized the SF Zoo was being this cruel to an animal who would live in a green wilderness. It wouldn't cost that much to put in a grass area. So sad, I'm going to put the word out on what your doing. I don't think you need any more incidents and bad publicity talk about your zoo.
# 775
06:43, Jun 26, Name not displayed, United Kingdom
As well as getting some grass, I think you should seriously think about getting him a companion - it's not right that he is being kept all on his own since his partner died
As well as getting some grass, I think you should seriously think about getting him a companion - it's not right that he is being kept all on his own since his partner died
11:04, Jul 01, Ms. Samantha Phillips, Singapore
Give sweet Wishbone some grass and a female companion.
# 805
19:58, Jul 01, Mrs. Dawn Banks, WA
Please let Wishbone live a happier life!! He depends on you to make his life comfortable.
Please let Wishbone live a happier life!! He depends on you to make his life comfortable.
# 807
01:13, Jul 02, Ms. Robbin Harold, NM
What is going on at the San Francisco Zoo is unconscionable. Not only should the management be terminated, they should be brought up on charges as well as the City Council put under a State investigation.
What is going on at the San Francisco Zoo is unconscionable. Not only should the management be terminated, they should be brought up on charges as well as the City Council put under a State investigation.
# 829
04:30, Jul 07, Ms. julia still, VT
This is disgusting and just plain wrong. Supprt for the zoo must cease until it can provide adequate living conditions for its' inhabitants.
This is disgusting and just plain wrong. Supprt for the zoo must cease until it can provide adequate living conditions for its' inhabitants.
# 853
12:27, Jul 12, Ms. Hope Sellers, PA
This is a small, inexpensive way to make Wishbone more comfortable and should be implemented ASAP.
This is a small, inexpensive way to make Wishbone more comfortable and should be implemented ASAP.
# 893
13:42, Jul 26, Mr. David Biggers, MO
Can a brother bear get a patch of grass? C'mon...its cheap and easy, it will add to this bear's quality of life, look better to park guests and generally spruce up his enclosure....
Can a brother bear get a patch of grass? C'mon...its cheap and easy, it will add to this bear's quality of life, look better to park guests and generally spruce up his enclosure....
# 896
21:16, Jul 27, Annaliese Kern, OH
Get some grass for the little guy! No one likes living on all concrete!
# 897
17:22, Jul 28, Andy Knobloch, CA
These bears have always been my favorite. It has been many years since ours (LA Zoo) were moved to San Diego. I have donated to Bear Tracks which just spent last year documenting these bears in the wild in a hopes to raise awarness. I glad others (like you) are trying to help too.
# 913
12:39, Aug 03, karen euga, OH
How you YOU like to not have access to the lush grass that is necessary for zoo animals?? Come on people, take care of this problem....thank you
# 966
13:46, Aug 30, Pam Morris, WI
help protect these bears and give them the grass they need
help protect these bears and give them the grass they need
23:01, Sep 14, Tyler Sohooli, CA
The "great" Zoo can't get some grass for a bear? How about set up a donation box or something if funds are a problem? I'll donate! Shame on you.
# 984
11:47, Sep 18, Name not displayed, CT
How is this kind of abuse possible in a zoo of such quality known world wide...shame on you!!!
# 985
12:28, Sep 18, Robert Cohen, NC
Let's stop being jerks and take care of the little guys. Would you rather be part of the solution or the problem?
# 1,000
12:23, Sep 26, joyce murphy, CA
Please help this Bear to live in a natural setting.
# 1,004
03:49, Sep 27, Ms. Robyn Picknell, United Kingdom
Shame on you San Francisco Zoo!!!! You are one of the most well known American cities in the world, you should have world class care for your zoo animals as this is the image that foreign visitors will have of your city and your country. If you do not care about your animals why would you care about people? Pull finger and sort this out, it cannot possibly be that hard or expensive, after all, you are one of the most powerful nations in the world, aren't you?
If you haven't already, join the 1000 + and add your name and be the voice for Wishy!
Thank You!
The "great" Zoo can't get some grass for a bear? How about set up a donation box or something if funds are a problem? I'll donate! Shame on you.
# 984
11:47, Sep 18, Name not displayed, CT
How is this kind of abuse possible in a zoo of such quality known world wide...shame on you!!!
# 985
12:28, Sep 18, Robert Cohen, NC
Let's stop being jerks and take care of the little guys. Would you rather be part of the solution or the problem?
# 1,000
12:23, Sep 26, joyce murphy, CA
Please help this Bear to live in a natural setting.
# 1,004
03:49, Sep 27, Ms. Robyn Picknell, United Kingdom
Shame on you San Francisco Zoo!!!! You are one of the most well known American cities in the world, you should have world class care for your zoo animals as this is the image that foreign visitors will have of your city and your country. If you do not care about your animals why would you care about people? Pull finger and sort this out, it cannot possibly be that hard or expensive, after all, you are one of the most powerful nations in the world, aren't you?
If you haven't already, join the 1000 + and add your name and be the voice for Wishy!
Thank You!
UPDATE 12.7.11 I received this feedback regarding the Petition:
from: www.tierrechtskongress.at and www.vgt.at - Animal Rights in a Non-Ideal World Prof. Dr. Robert Garner, University of Leicester, England
A variety of ethical theories can be identified that can act as a guide to the way in which animals ought to be treated. The three principal models are based on indirect-duty principles, animal welfare and animal rights respectively. An assessment of these theories should be based not only on their normative value but also on the degree to which they are politically realistic. That is, those animal ethicists who wish to influence public policy in order to improve the treatment of animals need to ensure that their ethical theories are not too idealistic. .............................
A variety of ethical theories can be identified that can act as a guide to the way in which animals ought to be treated. The three principal models are based on indirect-duty principles, animal welfare and animal rights respectively. An assessment of these theories should be based not only on their normative value but also on the degree to which they are politically realistic. That is, those animal ethicists who wish to influence public policy in order to improve the treatment of animals need to ensure that their ethical theories are not too idealistic. .............................
UPDATE 12.8.11
Please view the video on the last post projectgetwishbonegrass.blogspot.com
If you support this crusade, please email San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson - tanyap@sfzoo.org
Thank you!
Please...SF ZOO..... read these comments. People worry, people care.... you have the power to do the right thing and get Wishbone the grass he so desparately needs. He is such a special little guy!!! Doesnt his little face and the words from all over the world tell you? Please make this "wrong", "right".
ReplyDelete@andiecattt- Thank you for your comment. It seems "the Power" is held by those who don't care. OR this would have been done along ago OR at least now with all the vocalizing I've done about this, at least have a plan in motion. They have had decades plus the 4 months since I started this Petition, I don't see no "coming soon" sign in front of Wishbone's home.