Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Wishy!

Today marks Wishbone's 25th Birthday!

and 23rd year at the San Francisco Zoo.

For the most part AND the past three years exclusively, Wishbone has lived in a home that only has a cement surface.

One of his previous Keepers tried to get he and his passed companion Annie access to the Grizzly Gulch for some fun time on grass. The Zoo Management Staff was not helpful in making that happen.

Why can't grass be added to Wishbone's home? While Ulu seems to be the favorite for getting access to the Meadow between she and Pike's Grotto's, then why can't Pike have day access to the Grizzly Grotto (which has grass) while the Grizzly's are in the Gulch all day? WHY?

I have recently re-read my San Francisco Zoo History book, put out by Arcadia Press a couple years ago. In it there are photos of a few of the Bear Grotto's taken in what looks to be the 1940s. They look exactly the same as the Andean Bear (Wishbone) and the two Polar Bear Grotto's. 70 years!!! and not one upgrade to landscaping these Grotto's to bring a natural setting to these Bears lives has been made.

It 2011 San Francisco Zoo, wake-up and start respecting the Animals that live there BEFORE building new areas and bringing in more.

Disgusting. Disrespectful. Outrageous. Abusive.

I ask the San Francisco Zoo, how much longer will this go on?

UPDATE 12.8.11

Please view the video on the last post projectgetwishbonegrass.blogspot.com

If you support this crusade, please email San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson - tanyap@sfzoo.org

Thank you!

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