If you are happening on to this blog without having knowledge of my connection to the San Francisco Zoo, please visit www.sanfranciscozoocrime.blogspot.com if you are interested in more background information.
Also note, that this blog goes hand in hand with one titled, San Francisco Zoo FAILS, www.sanfranciscozoofails.blogspot.com The missions are a bit different, but the subject matter is the same. To bring public awareness to things I believe are just not right. ... There may be some duplicate wording in the Welcome posts on the both these blogs. That is so they can stand alone if someone read them independently.
For a good part of the past two years I had an open (and seemingly welcomed) correspondence with the Director of the San Francisco Zoo, Tanya Peterson, to submit ideas, comments and concerns. That has since changed, but my dedication to the Animals there has not. I love my Zoo friends as you can see if you visit any of my sites dedicated to them. I have provided links on the right hand side bar. Please visit them and learn more about the wonderful Animals who call the Zoo home. Then patron the Zoo and see them in person.
As a frequent visitor, there is often curious things that go on at the Zoo. There was a time, prior to the events of the past couple months, where I could ask a number of people on Staff questions, where now that is not something I feel comfortable doing.
There are many things I find curious, based on an emotional level to which I am tied to the Animals that call the Zoo home. I am not an animal care professional, I am just someone one, who cares about animals PERIOD. I do not think that holding a job in animal care means you know all. I would hope it would, but I've learned it does not. I believe I have spent more time on Zoo grounds than any other visitor., in the past three years. After suffering a loss, I pretty much lived and breathed the Zoo. I have done more research than probably most of the Staff. Via my blogs and sharing information with Visitors in person, I have probably done more outreach as well. I have ID's behavior issues, new body marks, and other useful things to the Animal Staff, because I have watched the Animals so much I am familiar enough to do so. I ask valid questions of Staff and learn from them. That said, I can also spot short comings and as I call them, and I now call them FAILS.
Everything you will read in the posts on the blog are solely my opinion, hence I will often use the words, "I believe". I will post fact as fact when it is, I will note "allegedly" if its hearsay.
This blog will be dedicated to one specific situation. A desperate situation in my opinion.
I never thought I would make things a public concern, but maybe its necessary. My goal is not to find fault with the San Francisco Zoo Management, but in the past I have offered ideas and comments, some that fall under constructive criticism, all ignored. The Keeper and Vet Staff do an amazing job of caring for the Animals. The Management, in my opinion, not so much.
I have spent extensive time on the Zoo grounds, so I have been privy to much information. Of course my concerns stem from the perspective of the Visitor and they are based on an emotional level most of the time. This does not mean they aren't logical or invalid.
Prior to this blog I have tried to convey my thoughts and concerns within Zoo walls, but that has not worked. I have contacted the Zoo Director and other VIPs, the later with no reaction.
Sadly my only conclusion is no one at higher levels within the Zoo Management, Zoological Society Board, Park and Recreation, or the City of San Francisco, care about what goes on at the Zoo. Preferring to let things ride status quo. I could understand this if the Zoo was the best that it could be, but its not. Its a great place that needs much fine tuning. Unfortunately to me (as a Visitor) it appears the Zoo is a pet project for Society types, and other than the Keepers and Vets, no one seems to really to care. The Keepers and Vets do their jobs in caring for the Animals, but their hands are tied above that by those above them.
It is my hope that someday Management starts listening to those who actually care for and work with the Animals everyday. They don't seem to understand that without the Animals who live there, they would not have jobs there. A Zoo is a Zoo because there are Animals.
Also note, that this blog goes hand in hand with one titled, San Francisco Zoo FAILS, www.sanfranciscozoofails.blogspot.com The missions are a bit different, but the subject matter is the same. To bring public awareness to things I believe are just not right. ... There may be some duplicate wording in the Welcome posts on the both these blogs. That is so they can stand alone if someone read them independently.
For a good part of the past two years I had an open (and seemingly welcomed) correspondence with the Director of the San Francisco Zoo, Tanya Peterson, to submit ideas, comments and concerns. That has since changed, but my dedication to the Animals there has not. I love my Zoo friends as you can see if you visit any of my sites dedicated to them. I have provided links on the right hand side bar. Please visit them and learn more about the wonderful Animals who call the Zoo home. Then patron the Zoo and see them in person.
As a frequent visitor, there is often curious things that go on at the Zoo. There was a time, prior to the events of the past couple months, where I could ask a number of people on Staff questions, where now that is not something I feel comfortable doing.
There are many things I find curious, based on an emotional level to which I am tied to the Animals that call the Zoo home. I am not an animal care professional, I am just someone one, who cares about animals PERIOD. I do not think that holding a job in animal care means you know all. I would hope it would, but I've learned it does not. I believe I have spent more time on Zoo grounds than any other visitor., in the past three years. After suffering a loss, I pretty much lived and breathed the Zoo. I have done more research than probably most of the Staff. Via my blogs and sharing information with Visitors in person, I have probably done more outreach as well. I have ID's behavior issues, new body marks, and other useful things to the Animal Staff, because I have watched the Animals so much I am familiar enough to do so. I ask valid questions of Staff and learn from them. That said, I can also spot short comings and as I call them, and I now call them FAILS.
Everything you will read in the posts on the blog are solely my opinion, hence I will often use the words, "I believe". I will post fact as fact when it is, I will note "allegedly" if its hearsay.
This blog will be dedicated to one specific situation. A desperate situation in my opinion.
I never thought I would make things a public concern, but maybe its necessary. My goal is not to find fault with the San Francisco Zoo Management, but in the past I have offered ideas and comments, some that fall under constructive criticism, all ignored. The Keeper and Vet Staff do an amazing job of caring for the Animals. The Management, in my opinion, not so much.
I have spent extensive time on the Zoo grounds, so I have been privy to much information. Of course my concerns stem from the perspective of the Visitor and they are based on an emotional level most of the time. This does not mean they aren't logical or invalid.
Prior to this blog I have tried to convey my thoughts and concerns within Zoo walls, but that has not worked. I have contacted the Zoo Director and other VIPs, the later with no reaction.
Sadly my only conclusion is no one at higher levels within the Zoo Management, Zoological Society Board, Park and Recreation, or the City of San Francisco, care about what goes on at the Zoo. Preferring to let things ride status quo. I could understand this if the Zoo was the best that it could be, but its not. Its a great place that needs much fine tuning. Unfortunately to me (as a Visitor) it appears the Zoo is a pet project for Society types, and other than the Keepers and Vets, no one seems to really to care. The Keepers and Vets do their jobs in caring for the Animals, but their hands are tied above that by those above them.
It is my hope that someday Management starts listening to those who actually care for and work with the Animals everyday. They don't seem to understand that without the Animals who live there, they would not have jobs there. A Zoo is a Zoo because there are Animals.